Friday, July 8, 2011

Day #32 - A Walk In The Park.

We slept in again this morning, waking up around 8. We chilled with the two bikers from England for a while before taking off. It's almost like the best part of this trip is meeting all sorts of cool people.

The first 30 miles turned out to be a pleasant ride, and we met another biker along the way. We settled down for an early lunch in Eads, Colorado. While we were ordering another group of bikers walked in and joined us. They're a group of four boys and two adults, who make up the support car. The guys are all around my age and are biking to San Francisco, California. It was really fun to eat lunch and talk to them. They average around 120 miles a day.. Dang. After lunch we stopped by the library real fast to check a route to Denver. I was thinking about detouring there to see family, but it doesn't look like I'm going to make it. Then we headed to Ordway, where we are staying tonight. A total of 100 miles today and along the way I saw some pretty awesome wildlife. This morning I saw a Hawk swoop down and pick a field mouse up in it's claws to eat. Then, of course, we saw some deer. I saw a jack rabbit, and finally some antelope. Seeing all these animals was pretty awesome. We are about 100 miles away from the Rocky Mountains and can already see them from afar. Tomorrow's plan is to bike into Pueblo, Colorado and get our bikes tuned up. We will spend a day there and be ready to take off for the Rocky's the next morning.

Stephen Rosenberger.

Location:Colorado Blvd,Ordway,United States


  1. Hey Stephen,
    Have you kept count of all of the different people you have met on this trip? Especially the bikers?
    The troop will be leaving on Sunday for the Boundary water in Minneasota. I wish you were going, but I know you're having an adventure of a life time.
    Take care my friend.
    Larry F.

  2. You make this sound insanely easy. I am so jealous!!!!!! ;):P Good job making it to Colorado, and I;m sure you'll own the Smokies! That is awesome..

  3. .....^^^sending some encouragement your way as the mountains loom in the distance^^^....
    "Godspeed Over the Rockies!!!"
    faith, hope & love, the Dupre's

  4. Have fun in the Rockies! You can do it!! What cities are you going through in the Rockies? Glad your making friends along the way! Meeting new people wherever you are is the best :D
