Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day #10 - Saying Goodbye.

Today we woke up around 7 to a gigantic breakfast. David, the man who we stayed with, had set up all kinds of fruits and cereals and cake etc.

It was more then I could eat. It was our latest start yet, leaving at 9 o'clock. We biked our last few mountains today, Saying Goodbye to Appalachia. We didn't see much wildlife today because most of the time we were on busy roads. Today's roads have actually been the busiest so far and I feel like the truck drivers are the only drivers who know how to pass bikers up, everyone else was reckless. We're staying at a church in Booneville tonight. It's a nice place, we arrived around 5 after biking 64 miles. After we rested a while, Mr. G a long while, we cleaned our bikes and reorganized our packs. I finally have those little bike lights to bike at night. I feel complete. Tomorrow is going to be a longer day, we plan on biking 90 miles. We're camping with some of the same people we stayed with yesterday night, we like having made biking friends.

We are pretty beat so that's all for tonight, good night.
P.S. We forgot to say. Yesterday we biked 70 miles.

Stephen Rosenberger.
Mr. G.

Location:Mulberry St,Booneville,United States


  1. Hey Stephen and Brian,
    I hope the bus drivers were nice!
    You guys be careful.
    It sounds like you have been able to find some really nice places to stay. Too bad Huntsville is not on a bike route. It would be fun to have a biker's bed and breakfast and meet people from all over the country and the world as they stop at your place.
    It's hot here and you may be heading for rain tomorrow.
    Take care guys.
    Mr. F.

  2. Happy B'day Mr. G. Time peddles on but doesn't slow you down. Keep up the great progress. larry
